Monday, March 10, 2008

Wearable Motherboard or "Smart Shirt"

Here is my 100th post.. and I am proud to be writing about the Inidan Scientist Sundaresan Jayaraman. Inventor of the Smart Shirt. Here is the highlights of his interview.. in 2006.. though I am a little late.. I am glad I discovered it atleast now. :D. Thanks to Science Channel, program on it called "2057" enlightened me. ;)

The basic product is what we call the wearable motherboard popularly known as the smart shirt. It started back in the Spring of 1996, and the U.S. Department of Defense, they put out what is called a broad agency announcement saying that they wanted a system for use by soldiers in battle that would do two things. One, be able to tell when a soldier has been hurt, and simultaneously to be able to say how badly he was wounded. So, I submitted a white paper conceptualizing the design of the system itself, and then sent the white paper to DARPA, the U.S. Navy, and they approved the white paper and they gave me the funding to start the research, which we did in October of '96, myself and two of my research associates.

One, we achieved the goal that the Department of Defense set out in terms of having a system to help soldiers in battle, so that when they put the shirt on it will identify where the soldier has been shot, simultaneously give vital signs, such as heart rate, body temperature, respiration rate, electrocardiogram, and the person could also talk into the shirt. So, in other words, the shirt had the capability of doing all these things, and most importantly, in the design of the technology, we focused on not just a functionality offered, but also the form, okay? So that, at the end of the design process, when the product is developed, we wanted a piece of technology that would not only serve its functional purpose, but it would be easy to use, okay? read more here

-Thanks for Reading.

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