Monday, September 17, 2012

Prevent Picasaweb private albums from redirecting to Google +

When I shared my private albums on Picasaweb, via e-mail only, the damn thing is still redirecting to Google Plus. I have trouble viewing these albums in firewall settings and not everyone of my friends has Google+. Here is how you prevent this from happening.

 You take the link with Auth key to your private album, and add  "&noredirect=1" in the end. That should work. Not sure why this is default behaviour when you wanted to share via e-mail. I hate Google+. There can be better integration.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Unix vi commands

 I hated these black screens and these unix commands in particular. Trying to book mark so I wont forget ;)

Go to First line of the file  - :1
Go to last line - Shift G
Move up - k
Move down - j
Move left - l
Move right - h

Move forward by one word - w
Move backward by one word - b

Move to the end of line : $
Move to the beginning of line : 0 (zero)

And there is a lot more, all well documented here below :