Thursday, February 14, 2013

Exclude certain files from copy

We just want to exclude .err files from being coped over. This is an awesome command that does the trick in just one line ;)

find $UNIX_APPS/cla/$OUTDIR ! -name "bank_loan_accruals*err" -name "bank_loan_accruals*" |xargs -i cp {} /develop/rayudsr  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to create java project from SVN project in eclipse

 you should right click on the project in the package explorer in eclipse and then select to delete it without removing directory or its contents. Next, you select to create a Java project (File -> New -> Java Project) and in the Contents part of the New Java Project dialog box, select 'Create project from existing source'.
The advantage this approach is that source folders will be properly identified. I found that mucking around with the .project file can lead to the entire directory being considered a source folder which is not what you want.