Thursday, December 23, 2010

Grop by with multiple aggregate clauses

Multiple aggregate clauses in a group by..

select mstr_date
,sum((case when bs ='S' then -1 else 1 end )*quantity) as qty_sum
,sum((case when bs ='S' then -1 else 1 end)*orig_face) as orig_face_sum
from table_name
where column='xxxx'
group by mstr_date
order by mstr_date

I never tried this until now. Very interesting.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Closing a Swing Application

Just calling toplevel.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); is not good enough.
There could be other frames still alive, esp if you are using a third party library.
So your JVM is still running. Here is how you fix it..
Get all the frames that are currently running and dispose each of them

Frame[] frames = toplevel.getFrames();

for(int i=0;i
Frame frame = frames[i];

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Excel logical if

Compare two columns and find out whats different.

Lets say you would like to compare col A1 and F1. Here is the logical if condition in excel you would use...


The column would print *** when the values in A1 and F1 are different.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

useful cvs commands

If you made local changes and if you like to diff the latest version in repository,
cvs -Q diff -c

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unix file processing

This command is very useful to analyze data files

cut -d ' -f |

single col :
cut -d '|' -f1 uncl_sims_audit_clr_code_null.txt | sort|uniq

multiple cols
cut -d '|' -f1-2 uncl_sims_audit_clr_code_null.txt | sort|uniq


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Passing arrays to perl subroutines

Finally when we receive thes values in@_ variable then we can not recognize if we had passed one array or two value arraysbecause finally it is getting merged into one.

If you want to work with and identify the individual lists passed to Perl, then you need to use references:

(@listc, @listd) = simplesort(\@lista, \@listb);

The leading \ character tells Perl to supply a reference, or pointer, to the array. A reference is actually just a scalar, so we can identify each list by assigning the reference to each array within our subroutine. Now you can write your subroutineas follows:

sub simplesort
my ($listaref, $listbref ) = @_;

# De-reference the array list
my (@lista) = @$listaref;
my (@listb) = @$listbref;
# Now you can play with both arrays.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Syntax of inner join

select * from foo

inner join (

select 5 as bar

union all select 6

union all select 7

) as x on =

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Change End of Line characters in eclipse

In Eclipse, go to window -> preferences -> workspace

In the bottom right handside of workspace, you will see,
New Text File Line Delimiter,
Click on other, and change it to Unix.

See Image below.


Remove Ctrl M characters in vi

To remove windows end of line characters, Ctrl M characters in vi

1) open the file in vi
2) Type the following
To get ^M, press ctrl key on your keyboard and press v and m


3) dont forget to save the file with :wq!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Forcing index- SQL

So if cust_num is the 6 th index created on the table. Here is how you force the index while querying the database table :

select * from tranhist (6) where cust_num='AA25150'

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Excel Printing header on each line

Goto File -> Page Setup -> goto sheet tab -> In Print Titles section, Rows to repeat at top, enter the range of rows you would like to repeat : $1:$1

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SQL Not in vs Join example

Obviously SQL join is more efficient than the not in clause. Here is an example of both.

Most inefficient Not in query :

select count(*)
wire_instr w
not in (select short_code
from nostro_accts)

Slightly better Not Exists query :

select count(*) from
wire_instr w
where not exists(
select 1
from nostro_accts n where

Finally the Join query :

Join infact creates a new table which

select w.short_code as wshort,n.short_code as nshort from wire_instr w
left outer join
nostro_accts n
on n.short_code=w.short_code
where n.short_code=null


Friday, January 29, 2010

Replace with new line in eclipse

To replace comma with new line in edit plus.

clrl h in eclipse, enter the character you want to replace, in this case ,
for the new line, click on the downward arrow next to the text and then select new line. See the picture below.


Eclipse VM Args

Multiple VM args can be entered to eclipse by separating them with a space. See the picture below :

2) Issue : Eclipse doesnot allow spaces in vm arguments.

You can force eclipse to take a space by wrapping the value of your argument in double quotes.

-Dpropsfile="H:/user data/eclipse/workspace/wires/etc/dev.config.props"


Friday, January 15, 2010

Perl in eclipse

Perl Eclipse Tutorials

PDF download of the tutorial above :

Friday, January 8, 2010

Perl ternary operator

I was trying to use an if else stmt in perl inside a join. And it was throwing compilation errors. In this case you can use a ternary operator to serve as if else :

ex :

($Bond{$_}{CFAC} ==-1 ?”N/A” : $Bond{$_}{CFAC})

sybase convert float to char

Sybase function to convert float to char
convert(char(10),isnull(convert(char(18), pi.factor),'N/A')) as factor