Wednesday, May 9, 2007

JDK JRE problem surfaced again

My weblogic is running on a 4.8 version on jdk/jre

and my ant is using 5.11 to compile so my deployment is failing.

So the solution is:

got: C:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin --> open startWLS.cmd

check where your JAVA_HOME is pointing to : its this variable

set JAVA_HOME=C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08

Make everything else in your system point to here..

change ur env variable to point to here C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08

1) my computer--> properties --> advanced-->environment variables-->edit JAVA_HOME

2) In Eclipse window-->preferences-->Ant -->Runtime --> GlobalEntries --> get tools.jar from C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08\jdk\tools.jar

3) In Eclipse window-->preferences-->Java-->BuildPath-->edit JAVA_HOME to point to C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08

4) In Eclipse window-->preferences-->MyEclipse-->ApplicationServers-->Weblogic8-->
JDK -->wls JDK make it point to C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08

5) In Eclipse Project-->Properties-->JavaBuildPath-->Libraries(tab) make your jre point to C:\bea\jrockit81sp5_142_08

Now you are good to go.. all your JAVA_HOME are pointing to one single place =)

--Had fun with Vipul trying to figure this out. =) Finally I learnt a new thing :)


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